Submission and reviewing of the articles for publication in SibFU’s Journal have been managed by means the specialized web-site:
In order to get the galley-proofs, the author is to send a completed and signed license agreement (.doc) to the editor personnel. A scanned copy of the agreement can be sent by electronic mail to the address: .
About the Journal
The Chemistry Bulletin of Journal of Siberian Federal University is a multidisciplinary edition specializing in the fundamental and applied chemistry. The priority is given to the papers dealing with the chemical aspects of rational nature management. The enormous mineral and organic resources of the Siberian territory determine the preference of the abovementioned research area. The new technologies of the resources chemical processing into valuable products (noble and nonferrous metals, motor fuels, cellulose, etc.) should be cost effective and minimally harmful to the environment and human health.
The regular publication of the Chemistry Bulletin of Journal of Siberian Federal University (four issues per year) was started at the beginning of 2008 year in the Russian and English languages. The Bulletin’s editorial board is represented recognized Russian and foreign chemists, who can provide a competent reviewing of the submitted papers. Following international requirements, our peer-reviewed Journal has online submission system and provides open access to the published materials.
Typical subject areas covered include:
- Analytical chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Synthesis, structure and properties of chemical substances and materials
- Pharmaceutical and medical chemistry
- Materials and metallurgy
Article submission guidelines
The present rules were drawn up according to the recommendations of Kirillova O.V., the Head of the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Science, expert, a member of the CSAB of SCOPUS DB (source).
The article should consist of 10-20 pages (minimum 20 000, maximum 40 000 symbols).
1. Title of the Article
1.1. Article titles must be informative.
1.2. Only common abbreviations can be used in the article titles.
1.3. The titles of articles translated from Russian cannot contain any transliterations except for transliterations of personal names, names of devices and any other objects that are impossible to translate. It is also not allowed to use any untranslatable slang expressions, known only by Russian-speaking specialists. It also concerns the abstract (annotation) and the keyword parts.
1.4. The article must have and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code.
1.5. The first letters of all the words in the title are capitalized. The title is written in bold, center aligned. The font of spelling the author’s initials and the abstract is usually one size less than the body of the article, and the font of the heading is one size larger (for example, article heading: 16; initials, abstract, keywords: 12; body of the article: 14).
2. English Abstracts
2.1. Abstracts must be:
- informative (without any general formulations);
- original (not be a calque of the Russian abstract);
- informative (reflect the main contents of the article and the research results);
- structured (match the logic of result description presented in the article);
- «English» (written in fine English language);
- compact (not exceed the amount of 100-250 words).
2.2. The abstract performs the following functions:
- briefly retelling the document’s content, defining its relevance and letting the reader decide if it is worth seeing the whole text of the document;
- providing information about the document and, in case if the document is of secondary interest to the reader, relieving them from reading the whole text;
- being presented in various information systems, including automatic ones, for searching documents and information.
2.3. In its content, structure, objectives and tasks, the abstract is close to summary. It is a short and exact exposition of the document’s contents, including general facts and conclusions of the described work.
The text of the abstract must be short and clear, free of secondary information and be distinguished by credibility of its formulations.
2.4. The abstract should consist of minimum 100-250 words (minimum 850 symbols, not less than 10 lines)
2.5. The abstract includes the following aspects of the article contents:
- subject, topic, objective of the work;
- methods or methodology of the work;
- research results;
- scope of results application;
- conclusion.
The sequence of statement can be changed, and begin from presenting the results and conclusions. The subject, topic, objective of the work are stated separately if they are not clear from the title of the article. The method or methodology of the research is to be described in case if they are innovative or if they can be of special interest from the point of view of the present research.
The abstracts of articles describing any experimental works are to contain the data sources and the way of processing it.
Research results must be described as vividly and precisely as possible. Present the main theoretical and experimental results, facts, revealed connections and patterns. It is important to give preference to the new results and data of long-term importance, relevant discoveries, and the conclusions that overturn the existing theories, and also the data that, in the author’s opinion, have a special practical significance.
The conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, offers, and hypotheses described in the article.
2.6. The data contained in the title of the article, must not be repeated in the abstract text. Avoid using long introductory phrases (for example, “the author of the article considers…”.
Historical references, if they do not constitute the main contents of the document, along with descriptions of previously published works and matters of common knowledge are to be omitted from the abstract.
2.7. The syntactic structures used in the abstract must meet the requirements of scientific and technical documents; complicated grammar structures, not typical for academic English, are to be avoided.
The terminology used in English abstracts must be common terminology for specific foreign texts. Avoid direct calques from Russian terms.
Within the abstract it is essential to keep unity of terminology.
2.8. The abstract must contain some keywords from the article.
2.9. Abbreviations and notation conventions besides the common ones (including the common ones used in specific English texts) are to be used in exceptional cases; if they cannot be avoided, their definition must be provided at the first mention.
2.10. Units of physical quantity must be presented according to the International System of Units. It is allowed to show the values in the system of units used in the original documents in brackets beside the value in SI.
2.11. Tables, formulae, drawings, figures, schemes, and diagrams are included only in case of need, only if they illustrate the main contents of the article and shorten the abstract length.
The formulae presented more than once, can be identified by numbers; the numbers of formulae in the abstract may not match the numbers in the original article.
2.12. The abstract does not contain references to the source number in the “References” part of the article.
2.13. The volume of the abstract is determined by the article contents (volume of information, its scientific value and/or practical significance).
2.14. The abstract is aimed at performing the function of an information source independent from the article.
2.15. The coherence of the abstract text is provided by such expressions as “consequently”, “moreover”, “for example”, “the benefits of this study”, “as a result” etc., or the presented statements must be logically consequent from one another;
– it is necessary to use active, not passive voice, e.g. “The study tested”, not “It was tested in this study” (a frequent mistake of Russian abstracts);
– the style of the abstract must be compact and informative.
(The present rule is based in the recommendations of EMERALD Publishing House.)
3. Names of Authors
3.1. The last names of the authors are to be presented according to the international transliteration system provided by the Library of Congress of the USA (Library of Congress Slavic (Russian) Transliteration). It is obligatory to follow the transliteration rules shown in Part 6 of the Rules.
3.2. In all the articles written by the same author, the name of the author’s work place must be presented in the same way, as this data is one of the identifying features of the author.
3.3. The article must contain: the first name, the last name (as a rule, the first name of the author precedes the last name), degree (if any) of the author(s). The position of the author (dean, teacher, post-graduate, or student) is not usually mentioned.
4. The name of organization and department
4.1. It is necessary to mention the full official name of the organization in the article.
4.2. The exception if the name of companies untranslatable into English. Such names are presented in the transliterated way according to the requirement of the transliteration system offered by the Library of Congress of the USA ((Library of Congress Slavic (Russian) Transliteration).
4.3. It is necessary to follow the spelling rules when writing the organization names in English: the initial letters of all notional words (except articles and prepositions) must be capitalized. It is unacceptable to spell some of the notional words with capital letters and some of them – with lower case letters.
4.4. Mention: The full name of the organization: department (subdepartment, faculty, research school or centre); institute; university; country; postal address; e-mail.
5. References
5.1. References are given as a completely separate unit.
5.2. References are written in Latin or Cyrillic alphabet (to describe links to Russian language publications).
5.3. It is absolutely unacceptable to use the Russian State Standard 5.0.7. Reference. As none of the foreign standards for bibliographic records use separation characters («//» and «–») which are used in the Russian State Standard.
5.4. An expression “electronic resource” cannot be used in references, especially when it is given in transliteration.
5.5. The names of the authors and the titles of the journals are the most important components in the references. It is necessary to include all the authors in the description of the article, and not to shorten the list by three, four, etc.
5.6. Transliteration of the title of the article without its translation is unacceptable.
5.7. Articles from electronic journals are presented similar to those from print media with the addition of the address of data access.
Examples of reference:
- Лисицин А.С., Пармон В.Н, Дуплякин В.К., Лихолобов В.А. Современные проблемы и перспективы развития исследований в области нанесенных палладиевых катализаторов. Российский химический журнал 2006. Т. 50(4), С. 140-153. [ Lisicin A.S., Parmon V.N, Duplyakin V.K., Likholobov V.A. Modern problems and prospects of development of research in the field of supported palladium catalysts. Russian Chemical Journal 2006. Vol. 50(4), P. 140-153. (In Russ.)]
- Коваленко Н.Л., Вершков А.В., Мальчиков Г.Д. Разложение амминокомплексов платины (II) в щелочных растворах при 170–200°C. Координационная химия 1987. Т. 13(4), С. 554-557. [Kovalenko N.L., Vershkov A.V., Malchikov G.D. Decomposition of ammonia complexes of platinum (II) in the alkaline solution at 170-200 °C. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 1987. Vol. 13(4), P. 554-557. (In Russ.)]
- Toebes M. L., van Dillen J. A., de Jong K. P. Synthesis of supported palladium catalysts. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2001. Vol. 173(1), P. 75-98.
- Ioni Y.V., Lyubimov S.E., Davankov V.A., Gubin S.P. The use of palladium nanoparticles supported on graphene oxide in the Mizoroki-Heck reaction. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013. Vol. 58(4), P. 392-394.
- Жереб В.П. Метастабильные состояния в оксидных висмутсодержащих системах. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2003. 163 с. [Shereb V.P. Metastable states in bismuth-containing oxide systems. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2003. 163 p. (In Russ.)]
- Китель Ч. Введение в физику твердого тела. М.: Наука, 1978. 791 с. [Kittel C. Introduction to Solid State Physics. Moscow: Nauka, 1978. 791 p. (In Russ.)]
- Синтез комплексных соединений металлов платиновой группы. Справочник. Под ред. Черняева И.И. М.: Наука, 1964. 340 с. [Synthesis of the complex compounds of platinum group metals. Handbook. Under Ed. Chernyaeva I.I. Moscow: Nauka, 1964. 340 p. (In Russ.)]
- Patent 3728415 US. Arganbright R. P. Production of n-butenes from ethylene. Publ. Date 17.04.1973.
- Патент 2427421 РФ. Лавренов А.В., Михайлова М.С., Булучевский Е.А. Катализатор, способ его получения и способ одностадийного синтеза пропилена из этилена. Опубл. 27.08.2011. [Patent 2427421 RU. Lavrenov A.V., Mikhailova M.S., Buluchevskiy E.A. Catalyst, method of producing the catalyst and direct method of producing propylene from ethylene. Publ. Date 27.08.2011 (In Russ.)]
6. Transliteration rules
6.1. Transliteration rules should be based on the System of Library of Congress Slavic (Russian) Transliteration (source:,, namely:
Letter | Transliteration |
А | A |
Б | B |
В | V |
Г | G |
Д | D |
Е | E |
Ё | E |
Ж | ZH |
З | Z |
И | I |
Й | I |
К | K |
Л | L |
М | M |
Н | N |
О | O |
П | P |
Р | R |
С | S |
Т | T |
У | U |
Ф | F |
Х | KH |
Ц | TS |
Ч | CH |
Ш | SH |
Щ | SHCH |
Ъ | “ |
Ы | Y |
Ь | ‘ |
Э | E |
Ю | IU |
Я | IA |
7. The main text of the article
7.1. The main text of the article is obligatory divided into certain sections with appropriate headings on a particular aspect of the overall content. The following model of the main text of the article can be suggested.
Models of a text structure of an article:
- Introduction: degree of study of the question (popular scientific points of views, authorities, schools, research centers devoted to the problem, facts and statistics).
- Theoretical framework: concepts, general methods underlying the research (for example, a reference to some aspect of the philosophical concepts of Max Weber, Karl Jaspers, the philosophy of existentialism.) Detailed description of theoretical framework of this study.
- Statement of the problem: a specific problem addressed directly by the author in the article, which is derived from the Introduction.
- Methods: specific (private) methods.
- Discussion: point of view of the author and his studies. A section can have its subtitles on certain aspects (the titles are given in a free way).
- Conclusion / Results: main results. In some cases, after the Conclusion there can be an “Acknowledgements” section that is acknowledgment to special people, who have helped the author in the conduction of the study and achieving its results (these articles can also include respected referees). It should be noted that in some journals (few journals with high citation index) the section “Acknowledgements” is obligatory. But in most cases, it is up to the author whether to include it or not.
- References: References submission of English sources is significantly different from the standards of references in Russian and is presented in detail in Section 5 of these rules.