Submission of the articles
- The materials of original researches being formed as articles, short reports and also as reviews are accepted for the publication in “Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering and Technologies”.
- The papers which were already published or sent to other publishers aren't accepted for the publication.
- Scientific articles in “Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering and Technologies” are published free of charge.
- Copyright of articles belongs to the SibFU.
- Manuscripts are accepted both in the Russian and English languages.
- The regulations of manuscripts’ registration are published on the website of the Journal in the Russian and English languages. The papers not meeting the regulations and not corresponding to the edition profile can be rejected by the editorial board of the Journal without reviewing.
- Manuscripts are submitted only in electronic form through the specialized site. For registration in the system it is necessary for the author to follow the link:, to fill all obligatory fields, following the instruction on the screen, and to receive login and the password.
- While filling a form a special attention is necessary to be paid to the section “Probable Reviewers”. The full names of the three specialists (experts) in the field of a science corresponding to the subject of the provided article, their e-mail addresses and the most known publications are given there.
- Manuscripts of articles can be checked for incorrect borrowing and plagiarism with the help of the plagiarism detection software
“Anti-plagiarism” .
Reviewing of the articles
- All articles are subject to obligatory “blind” reviewing by not less than two experts appointed by the chief editor of the series or the editorial board from the list offered by the authors or from the base of reviewers of the Journal.
- The final decision concerning the publication of the manuscript is made by the editorial board.
- In case of the negative review the author receives the justified refusal.
- After the positive solution of the editorial board the chief editor of the series defines the issue number in which the article will be published.
- All the reviews and also all the correspondence of the parties are stored in editorial office and on the server of the Siberian Federal University within at least 5 years.
Publication of the articles
- After the adoption of the article to the publication the chief editor of the series carries out full editorial processing of manuscripts (editing, page-proof, proofreading).
- The layout of the ready article is sent to the responsible author for the final agreement with a form for corrections in accordance with the given e-mail address.
- Within 5 working days after the mailing of a layout the author has to send to editorial office a form with corrections, and also the completed and signed license agreement. The form of the license agreement is available on the site of the Journal. It is possible to send the scanned agreement by e-mail (to the address from which the page-proofs are received, or to ) or to submit the paper original of the agreement. The absence of the agreement can be the basis for the publication refusal.
- Electronic copies of the articles are available on the website “Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering and Technologies”, in the SibFU Scientific library, in the Russian scientific e-library, in a number of the international information bases, and also in the DOI Crossref base.
- The printed version o the Journal is distributed by subscription through the “Press of Russia” catalogue.