Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Principles and Opportunities of the Study of Pictorial Heritage in the Practice of Choreographic Education

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2018 11 (12)
Portnova, Тatiana V.; Портнова, Т.В.
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Portnova, Тatiana V.: Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin 1/33 Sadovnicheskaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russia; ; Портнова, Т.В.: Российский государственный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина Россия, 117997, Москва, ул. Садовническая, 33, к. 1
choreographic heritage; theatrical collection; study methodology; museum exhibit

The article is dedicated to an underdeveloped, but highly relevant aspect of work of museums, first of all the theatrical ones, namely keeping, studying and promoting the works associated with choreographic heritage. The objective of the article is to analyse the artistic and aesthetic features of museum exhibits dedicated to dance, their specific features in the context of methods of their study by undergraduates of choreographic faculties, as well as their attribution to artistic culture. An analytical approach to understanding of a theatrical exposition and a ballet exhibit in the context of modern conceptual methods of its study is chosen as a methodological basis. The artistic and aesthetic potential of material and visual exhibits related to the ballet theatre is revealed. All the figurative and metaphoric world of dance involved in a particular exhibition project is considered from the standpoint of the main carrier of a theatrical idea at the level of its perception by a master of a theatrical university as a potential researcher. The material is structured in accordance with the main concepts of the article analysing the aspects of studying choreographic heritage in museum collections, the methodology of studying museum items in theatrical expositions, the role of museum pedagogy in the prospects for studying choreographic heritage. The proposed aspects of considering the monuments of choreographic heritage in the museum environment brings this problem to a qualitatively new level of conceptuality, justifies the possibility of separating the theory of their study into an independent scientific field that integrates into the modern theatrical museum studies as a new direction of interdisciplinary knowledge and is developed by means of various humanities

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