- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2020 13 (3)
- Authors
- Soleeva, Nigina A.
- Contact information
- Soleeva, Nigina A.: Samarkand State University Samarkand, Uzbekistan;
- Keywords
- Fourier transform; oscillatory integral; surface-carried measure
- Abstract
Estimate for Fourier transform of surface-carried measures supported on non-convex surfaces of three-dimensional Euclidean space is considered in this paper.The exact convergence exponent was found wherein the Fourier transform of measures is integrable in tree-dimensional space. This result gives an answer to the question posed by Erd¨osh and Salmhofer
- Pages
- 350–359
- 10.17516/1997-1397-2020-13-3-350-35
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/135206
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics / LP -bound for the Fourier Transform of Surface-Carried Measures Supported on Hypersurfaces with D∞ Type Singularities
Full text (.pdf)