- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2021 14 (1)
- Authors
- Zavyalova, Kristina N.; Shishmarev, Konstantin A.; Korobkin, Alexander A.
- Contact information
- Zavyalova, Kristina N.: Altai State University Barnaul, Russian Federation; kristina-zavyalova-1996@mail.ru; Shishmarev, Konstantin A.: Altai State University Barnaul, Russian Federation; shishmarev.k@mail.ru; Korobkin, Alexander A.: University of East Anglia Norwich, United Kingdom; A.Korobkin@uea.ac.uk
- Keywords
- poroelastic ice plate; ideal fluid; external load; potential flow
- Abstract
The response of a poroelastic ice cover to an external load is considered. The ice cover is modeled by a thin poroelastic floating plate within the linear theory of hydroelasticity. The porosity parameter is defined as the coefficient of proportionality of the velocity of liquid penetration into the plate and hydrodynamic pressure. The fluid under the plate is inviscid and incompressible. The flow caused by the ice deflection is potential. The external load is modeled by a localized smooth pressure. The two-dimensional problem of waves caused by a periodic external pressure on a floating porous-elastic plate is considered. The profiles of the generated waves are calculated for a given oscillation frequency of the amplitude of the external pressure. It was found that taking porosity into account leads to damping of oscillations in a distance from the external load
- Pages
- 87–97
- 10.17516/1997-1397-2021-14-1-87-97
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/137828
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics / The Response of a Poroelastic Ice Plate to an External Pressure
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