Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Digital Platforms in Russian Higher Education

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2022 15 (8)
Sheveleva, Natalia A.; Vasilyev, Ilia A.
Contact information
Sheveleva, Natalia A.: Saint Petersburg State University Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-3381-5359; Vasilyev, Ilia A.: Saint Petersburg State University Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; ; ORCID: 0000-0003-1951-0687
digitalization of education; educational platforms; educational services; educational resources; online courses; university competition; academic mobility; additional programs

The processes of active digitalization of various sectors of the Russian economy have influenced the field of higher education. The existence of many digital educational platforms for hosting online courses is a reality. Although it seems obvious, the institution of a digital educational platform has not yet been properly clarified. There is no full-fledged concept of a “digital educational platform” from the standpoint of a legal assessment of its nature. Is the platform a set of services or something else? Does the platform provide services? Is the platform responsible for user access and content? Different types of such platforms created “from above” and “from below” have not yet been systematically considered in legal science. The representative of the first model is “Open education”, in the emergence and existence of which a public subject is interested. Private platforms such as “SberUniversity” or “Lectorium”, which have several directions of interaction with users and claim their place in the higher education system, can be classified as those created “from below”. The coexistence of educational platforms is not limited to competition between them. Platforms are changing the education system: secondary, higher, additional. Therefore, the risks of further penetration of platform reality into higher education need to be predicted. The existence of educational platforms has had an impact on the previous education system. Subjects of education are the first to undergo such a transformation: universities, teachers. Russian universities are actively working to expand the offer of digital analogs of classical academic disciplines. Also, the universities are constructing courses for the formation of competencies in demand today. This is becoming a new educational area for universities. Thanks to the legal regulation of the credit of online courses, universities are differentiated into those offering educational content and using such content. Professors are now competing in an open space where any classic academic discipline can be replaced by an online course. In conclusion, the prospects for the transition of higher education from formalized to informal are noted

Paper at repository of SibFU

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