- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2024 17 (8)
- Authors
- Kulagina, Tatyana A.; Solovieva, Tatyana A.
- Contact information
- Kulagina, Tatyana A. : Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; ; Solovieva, Tatyana A.: Far Eastern Federal University Vladivostok, Russian Federation
- Keywords
- cyclone-vortex combustion technology; burner; hot-water boiler; pre-furnace
- Abstract
The peculiarities of the burner method of liquid and gaseous fuel combustion are described. The boiler load is regulated by changing the gas flow rate to the burners or the number of operating burners. In practice, burners often operate with significant excess air α = 1,4–1,6 and more, reducing the flame temperature. These conditions do not always lead to complete combustion of gas. Regime measures on burners do not reduce NOx formation. In our opinion, a promising option for modernization of the boiler unit on the example of hot-water boilers KVGM-116,3–150 is the replacement of the burner method of combustion of gas or fuel oil with cyclone-vortex. The paper describes the description and design features of the cyclone-vortex preheater with the capacity of 65 MW. Operating conditions and efficiency of using the scheme “counterflow” on the boiler are considered. Cyclone-vortex combustion technology, utilization of low-potential heat from flue gases, injection of condensed liquid into the active zone of combustion, as well as the use of water circulation system in the boiler “counterflow”, allows to reduce the “carbon footprint”, improve environmental performance and achieve gross efficiency of KVGM-116,3–150 boiler with respect to low heat of combustion up to 95–97 %
- Pages
- 1028–1034
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/154305
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