Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2024 17 (8)

  1. Analytical Assessment of the Functioning of the Distribution Electric Networks of PJSC Rosseti Volga – Orenburgenergo
    p. 988–1006; Naumov, Igor V.; Polkovskaya, Marina N.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  2. Monitoring of Fracture Water at the Construction Site of an Underground Research Laboratory in the Krasnoyarsk Krai
    p. 1007–1018; Ozerskiy, Dmitriy A.; Teslya, Valeriy G.; Pechatnikov, Valeriy A.; Smirnov, Kirill D.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  3. Assessment of the Effect of Changes in the Operating Parameters of the Organic Rankine Cycle, with Changes in External
    p. 1019–1027; Karabarin, Denis I.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  4. Modernization of Boiler Units Using Cyclone-Vortex Technologies of Fuel Combustion
    p. 1028–1034; Kulagina, Tatyana A.; Solovieva, Tatyana A.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  5. Energy-Efficient Inductors of Magnetohydrodynamic Devices for Metallurgical Purposes
    p. 1035–1046; Timofeev, Viktor N.; Khatsayuk, Maksim Yu.; Khomenkov, Petr A.; Timofeev, Nikolay V.; Mikhailov, Dmitriy A.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  6. Effect of Modified Carbon Fibers by Sol- Gel Method on Properties of Polytetrafluoroethylene
    p. 1047–1061; Ivanova, Anastasia A.; Vasilev, Andrey P.; Okhlopkova, Aitalina A.; Struchkova, Tatiana S.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  7. Investigation of the Effect of Polytetrafluoroethylene-Based PCM Production Technology on the Mechanism of Their Wear and Structure Formation
    p. 1062–1076; Markova, Marfa A.; Petrova, Pavlina N.; Fedorov, Andrey L.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  8. Analysis of the Processes of Formation of Contact Radio Interference in the Complex Provision of Electromagnetic Compatibility on Mobile Objects of Radioelectronic Means
    p. 1077–1088; Utkin, Boris V.; Grachev, Nikolay N.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  9. Mathematical Modeling of Continuous Media Flow in a Vortex Chamber
    p. 1090–1099; Zyryanov, Aleksey V.; Sarychev, Vladimir D.; Murko, Vasiliy I.; Karpenok, Viktor I.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  10. Flexible Multibody Dynamics: A Review of Simulation Packages
    p. 1100–1115; Khasenov, Ilyas M.; Titov, Victor V.; Sergeev, Alexey V.
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  11. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Softened Two-Bit Hard Combination Scheme
    p. 1118–1124; Mohanad Abdulhamid
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