Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Development of Secondary School Students Critical Thinking as a Strategic Priority of Modern Education: Goals, Objectives and Outcomes

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2014 7 (12)
Samoilov, Andrei V.
Contact information
Samoilov, Andrei V.:Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences 2 building, 82 Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119571, Russia
critical thinking; assessment; national standards and programs; main criteria of the critical thinking skills development

The National Federal Education Standards define critical thinking skills as one of the main features of the “school graduate’s portrait“. In this regard, critical thinking skills, the efficiency of which on each level can be evaluated with specific criteria, should be properly defined in national standards and programs. This article provides an analysis of foreign experience (Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong, and Australia) in critical thinking development as a possible way of implementing critical thinking ideology in Russian school education. The author makes an attempt to define a set of requirements for determination of the main criteria of the critical thinking skills development, and suggest some methods for critical thinking assessment to be used by the authors of the National Federal Education Standards

Paper at repository of SibFU

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