Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Cultural and Semiotic Strategies of Constructing Indigenous Northern Ethnicity in Art (Based on the Yakut Art School)

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (4)
Seredkina, Nataliya N.
Contact information
Seredkina, Nataliya N.: Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; E-mail:
cultural and semiotic strategies; construction; indigenous Northern ethnicity; national art; Yakut painting; Yakut artists; Yakut art school; ethnocultural values

The article studies cultural and semiotic strategies of constructing indigenous Northern ethnicity in art on the basis of the Yakut art school development research and analysis of paintings by artists of the school. It defines peculiarities of each period of the Yakut art formation, reveals the trends of national school development within the stream of common art history. It suggests authorial systematization of paintings by the Yakut artists. Works are grouped by themes. These are paintings, the cultural and semiotic forms of which reveal the spiritual world view of the Yakut; pieces representing the concept of way, the road of life a human walks along; portraits, the visual appearances of which represent certain types of cultural heroes; still lives, representing the most significant items of the Yakut culture. It outlines the development vector of the modern Yakut art, which is the tendency for re-consideration and adaptation of the ethnic memory of the nation for the new globalized world context

Paper at repository of SibFU

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