Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / New Traditions of the Social Process Management and Globalization Tendencies

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (6)
Ozeredenko, Vladimir N.
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Ozeredenko, Vladimir N.:Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; E-mail:
form of management; world community; self-management; social transformation; social evolution

Reformation of the Russian political system is closely linked with the social transformations characteristic of the contemporary world community that are a consequence of the globalization processes. Along with the natural globalization involving a natural human desire for integration we have witnessed the artificial globalization that poses a threat to the social and cultural identity of societies. That is why the solution to the problems of the modern education system takes into consideration the traditions characteristic of the Russian society. To understand and solve this problem it is important to address the historical roots of the formation of the Russian consciousness, in which self-identity of our society occurred. Russia occupies a special position among the world’s major civilizations. Its main feature is that in our country a triad “traditionculture- civilization” is not a unified, streamlined system that defines a common type of society. Both in the West and in the East a civilization obscures and conceals its non-identity of tradition by means of ideology, let alone culture; in both cases, the symbolic depth of experience is not opposed to the world of objectivity, a created civilization. The objective of any system is self-preservation, a purposeful behaviour of the system aimed at achieving this goal and is a set of processes of interaction of various objects with each other, their mutual conditionality, and the change of a state. In this respect the social system appears as selfmanagement, an independent control of people over themselves, as the rule of the people – interaction of organizational forms of the system. When considering the basic concepts that characterize the organization of society, the paramount importance is given to the issues of sustainability of social structures, sustainability of the social development. The experience of history shows that this sustainability is due to a number of reasons – addressing the issues of social justice, goals and values of development. The notions of social justice are very delicate, but without their satisfactory solution there is no hope to build an adequate system of management, which would be the basis for sustainable development of society. As the author points out, self-management and management are the parts of an integral unit, since any system is both a part and a whole. At the same time, the system as a part is controllable, but as a whole it is independent or self-managed. Independence should be relative, not absolute, because there are no completely independent systems in the world. As a whole, the system is independent, as a part, it is dependent on the superior system. Artificial deprivation of independence leads to its existence only as a part. The deviation in either direction leads the society to the dictatorship or anarchy. The dialectical contradiction of an individual and a society is presented not only as a feature of perfection of a collectivist whole of Russia, but also as an indicator of the sustainability of society caused by identity of views and unanimity. These concepts are revealed as the dialectics of the one and the many, when the one assumes the many and the many assumes the one. Unanimity in such sense is not “uniformity” implying subordination of all the people to one will. Dialectical meaning of these concepts is to bring many wills to unity by matching them with each other, i.e. to find during the public discussion a general solution that is acceptable to the whole society. As shown in the article, a principle of building of the corporate state was declared as corporatism; business owners and employees do not form two hostile classes, but corporations – work collectives, in which everyone work for the good of the nation in accordance with their positions – the highest value for the people. Generalization of the typical traditional forms of management shows that despite all the typicality of the main forms of the rule of the people, they have many basic features that are the result of traditions, history and mentality of a particular society. Management features specific to different societies have formed throughout the history of mankind and, therefore, have a socio-cultural appropriateness

Paper at repository of SibFU

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