Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Russian Blogosphere as a Public Sphere

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2010 3 (4)
Pipenko, Maria A.
Contact information
Pipenko, Maria A. : Ulyanovsk State University , 42 Lva Tolstogo, Ulyanovsk, 432970 Russia , e-mail:
Internet activity; blogs; Runet; cyberwars; political activity; civic activity; blogosphere; youth; Internet studies; Cybersociology

The article observes several ways in which Russian bloggers express their civic position by using Internet options and use blogosphere as a public spere.. Evolutionally, it describes how the Internet has changed the behavior of usually politically passive users of Russian cyberspace. Several cyber events that from the author points of view describes the evolution of development of self consciousness of Russian bloggers are presented in chronological order: the first ( and the only) Internet conference with President Vladimir Putin which occurred in Summer 2006, a cyber war with Estonia in April-May 2007, a cyber war with distributors of Biologically Active Addings in October 2007, it also mentions a cyber war with Georgia during the military actions in Summer 2008, and two cases when simple bloggers used the blogosphere recourse to resist the system. It analyzes how in situation of total lack of attention of politicians to the population everyday problems and the level of state corruption, blogs are the only way to catch an eye of authorities and make them act, when usual means do not work. It all proves that with the help of Internet tools, average users can become a significant power, having an ability to influence different political and social events.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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