Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Creative Thinking in Advertising Communication: Cultural Aspect

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2010 3 (4)
Nozdrenko, Elena A.
Contact information
Nozdrenko, Elena A. : Siberian Federal University , 82a Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia , e-mail:
advertising; advertising communication; creativity; creative thinking; advertising creativity; lifestyle; values; creative advertising idea; cultural approach

Modern advertising is a phenomenon which to this or that extent affects the nature of social, economic, political and other interactions in the society. Tendencies of advertising communication system development involve integrated use of ATL-and BTL-tools to effectively represent the product at the market relevant for such product. The main requirement for the various tools of advertising is their efficiency including the ability to deliver a creative content of the message in accordance with the pragmatic goals of advertising communication. But, as practice shows, today these tools do not allow to achieve the desired goals without creativity. Advertising creativity can be defined as an imaginative cover of tools for informative and persuasive forms of communication designed to solve pragmatic business problems. Such factors of market environment as aggravation of competition, growth of financial and intellectual potential, globalization of information flows become a sufficient reason for appealing to the methods and sources of innovative solutions development, the search for innovative and creative ideas in order to increase the effectiveness of various institutions' functioning in the society. Nowadays the understanding of the advertising success through the prism of creativity which provides opportunities to single out the product in the variety of market offers is quite obvious. The development of the informative and persuasive forms of communication in Russian contemporary history defines the rising tide of interest in disclosing the mechanisms of creative activity. Creativity is always primary and fundamental. However, in the creative advertising product it pursues a pragmatic purpose - to change the consumer behaviour of the target audience. One should understand that creativity in advertising is only a technology of the creative process organization that is fruitless out of the context of the culture in which it is carried out. Today in order to overcome the cover, a person builds to protect himself from a huge flow of information, we need to use the stimuli involving the appeal to the collective unconscious. Consequently, the issues of creativity should be considered from the prospective of different elements of culture (lifestyle, values and mentality) which determine the specifics of advertising within. An important condition for the development of creative thinking in advertising communication is an emotional and sensitive component, the development of which is designed to guarantee sensory perceptions and create emotional and axiological attitude to the objects of interest. This process includes entering into a situation of emotional experiences given in the advertising text which enables to actually experience emotions and feelings and get emotional and rationally provided images that promote accumulation of emotional and sensory experience and the development of emotional and imaginative component of thinking. The main component of the creative process in this case is a pragmatic element that is the original understanding of why advertising should be created, for whom it should be created (distinct identification of the target audience), how it should be created (the choice of a relevant technology) and, basically, what exactly should be created (a qualitative approach in determining the form and content of advertising text). Every culture can be represented as a set of hierarchical values shared by the majority of its representatives. Since advertising reflects the world and is a product of its time, the prevailing value orientations in each culture can be determined by the advertising content. Thus, a social role of advertising is to advance the basic spiritual values that are essential to the society. If the behaviour patterns and value orientations are set within the mentality of the society, then advertising not only transmits them but also affects their quality change suggesting a different pattern of behaviour and correcting value orientations. In this case it is necessary to take into account the fact that the social differentiation of mentalities reflects the existing division into social groups with the inherent material interests, lifestyle, which is definitely reflected in the formation of the collective image of the target audience. The secret of creativity in this process lies in the methodology of values creating, the involvement of a particular culture's mentality that is innovative, beyond the existing technologies, commonly accepted standards and regulations. Creativity in advertising is a combination of search and implementation of such an extent of information freshness which will strike the target audience and draw its attention. Cultural aspect of this search is quite fundamental because it is important that an advertising image is based on archetypes, stereotypes and myths present consumers' minds taking into account mentality, values, lifestyle and other components of culture. In this case it does not cause rejection but is perceived as something already familiar. In many cases such recognition inspires trust, and, as a consequence, increases the efficiency of advertising communication. Consequently, cultural approach in advertising communication is an integral part of creative positioning where an effective advertising idea can change something in the thinking of the target audience in a certain problem field with its cultural codes.

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