Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Expert Seminar dated 29.06.2010 «Formation of the Model of a New-Generation Specialist for the Sphere of Culture and Arts»

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2011 4 (3)
Koptseva, Natalya P.
Contact information
Koptseva, Natalya P. : Siberian Federal University , 82 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia , e-mail:
Krasnoyarsk region; education in art and culture sphere; world view of culture specialist; applied tasks of culture specialist; the image of graduate for culture sphere for future; the system of education in art and culture sphere in Krasnoyarsk region; the leading universities in Krasnoyarsk region in art and culture sphere; regional additive for education of culture specialist in Krasnoyarsk region; natural sciences in education of cultural specialist; the model of graduate of new generation for art and cultural sphere; the government order for cultural specialist in Krasnoyarsk region

The results of expert seminar for the problem of formation of the graduate of new generation in art and culture sphere are presented. The leader of seminar is Koptzeva N.P. The following experts were presented as the leader specialists in art and culture sphere in Krasnoyarsk region: humanity scientists and professors of Siberian Federal University, professors of Krasnoyarsk State Art institute, the professors of Krasnoyarsk State Academy of music and theatre, the scientists of Siberian State technological institute and representatives of ministry of culture of Krasnoyarsk region. One of the main problem was discussed during the seminar. The problem is about the best strategy of formation of modern specialist in art and culture sphere in Krasnoyarsk region. What kind of specialists will be demanded in the future for the development of culture in Krasnoyarsk region? Taking into account the fact that the region probably will stay industrial region in priority. The start for the discussion was the valuable statistic information about the structure and the system of functioning of 2-level system of education in modern universities (bachelor and master); the structure and perspectives of development of educational system for art in culture in leader universities in Krasnoyarsk. On the one hand, during the seminar the fundamental questions about world view and system of mind of specialist in culture are discussed. On the other hand, the range of specific applied and real problems and challenges that lie ahead the cultural specialists on Krasnoyarsk territory in the near future are outlined. One of the reports of the expert seminar is directly focused on specific requests which put the regional administration put forward to the professionals who are responsible for the development of culture in the region. In addition, during the expert seminar it was specifically discussed the development prospects of the regional component in education of cultural specialist and principles of teaching of natural sciences for students of creative disciplines.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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