Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / The Origin of the Universe and Event of Birth: Phenomenological Parallels

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2012 5 (2)
Nesteruk, Alexei V.
Contact information
Nesteruk, Alexei V. : University of Portsmouth, Lion Gate Building , PORTSMOUTH, PO1 3HF, UK
cosmology; universe; origin; birth; concealment; phenomenology; telos

We argue that a) the idea of the Big Bang in its philosophical essence represents a sophisticated disguise of the problem of the historically contingent present of the universes display, and hence, b) the idea of the Big Bang represents an intellectual incarnation of the intuition about the historical boundaries of human transcendental consciousness as related to the whole of humanity as well as to any particular human being in the universe. Compared, a) and b) exhibit similarity in tackling a problem of a phenomenologically concealed origin of the universe and that of any particular human life. This analogy comes from an observation that in both cases the sense of comprehension of the given presence unfolds as a process of constitution of its antecedents: to understand the present and disclose its sense one must enquire into the events preceding it. However, the very process of this constitution as part of the embodied humanity subjected to the temporal irreversibility of macroscopic nature is directed to the future thus characterising in both cases the sought origin of the contingent state of the universe or of any particular human life as their telos. It is easy to understand that this counterintuitive conclusion is based on a certain understanding of temporality of human acts of consciousness and that the very history of the universe, as well as that of a human being, is unfolded from within this internal time-consciousness which characterises the developed, that is the adult state of mind.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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