Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / The Technique of Fitball Aerobics in Physical Culture Classes for Female Students

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2012 5 (8)
Moskovchenko, Olga N.; Bulgakova, Olga V.
Contact information
Moskovchenko, Olga N. : Siberian Federal University , 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia , e-mail: ; Bulgakova, Olga V. : Siberian Federal University , 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
female students; aerobics; fitball aerobics; methodology; physical exercise; fitness; pedagogical experiment

The article sheds some light upon the technique of using fitball, a type of health-improving aerobics. The technique of fitball aerobics in classes touches upon physical education of the first and the second year female students. Development and implementation of the technique includes three stages. The first stage is the organization, methodological approaches, the second - the introduction into the educational process of students, the third is the method testing in a pedagogical experiment. The experimental material confirms that the methodology of fitball aerobics is effective for the development of motor characteristics, aims at the harmonious development of individual students, helps to improve overall fitness and is aimed at the preservation of health. In addition, the results suggest a fundamentally new approach to organizing and conducting of physical training in higher educational institutions. The technique of fitball is an alternative to the traditional means of physical education used in the classroom for physical education in higher educational institutions that do not satisfy the needs of female students. Exercises developed by the author, the use of a line method when performing exercises in the main classes according to musical accompaniment, allows to create a positive emotional background on lessons and a motivation to continue this type of exercises after graduation from the university.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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