- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2017 10 (8)
- Authors
- Chikhacheva, Marija M.
- Contact information
- Chikhacheva, Marija M.: Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theatre 22 Lenin Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia;
- Keywords
- composer G.V. Sviridov; metatext; image of Russia; author’s myth; archetypes; symbolism
- Abstract
This research focuses on the works by an outstanding Russian composer of the 20th century, Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov. The totality of musical pieces written by the author are studied as a metatext. The key feature of this metatext is the uniqueness of the composer way to interpret the image of Russia, which he regards as something wider than the image of the Motherland. The present article offers different angles of studies based on interdisciplinary approach. The latter discovers some new, unexplored conceptual aspects of the musical heritage of G.V. Sviridov. In particular, the works are regarded in the context of the so-called intuitive mythologism. From this point of view, the works by G.V. Sviridov are researched as an author’s myth phenomenon with a typical mythical view outlook with distinctive archetypes and the originality of symbolic linguistic patterns
- Pages
- 1135-1144
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/34159
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