Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Renaissance and European Classical Painting as Two Types of Artistic Creativity

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2013 6 (3)
Orel, Elena V.; Semenova, Maria V.
Contact information
Orel, Elena V.: Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, 51 Lenina, Ekaterinburg, 620083 Russia; e-mail: ; Semenova, Maria V.: Russian State Professional Pedagogical University, 19 Mira, Ekaterinburg, 620002 Russia;
Renaissance art; European classical art; artistic creativity

This paper presents some points for the study of painting as an activity (artistic creativity) such as: concept of the artists community what the “absolute art” is; the technology of training creative skills; an algorithm of creative drawing; subordination of figurative and poetic components of artistic drawing; practices, bordering with art, that are “a priori” of the artistic process. These points are used for the analysis and comparison of the Renaissance and European classical arts. It is justified that these types of art are produced by two heterogeneous forms of artistic activity. The Renaissance type is defined as an ontological one, where nature is a model of art, where creative elements performs figurative tasks, which uses magic and some elements of a classical creativity to create the effect of artistic painting. The Classical type of artistic creativity is characterized as a cultural-artistic one, where artistic figurative masterpieces are the model of art; the figurative element is subjected to creative tasks. The enlightened taste and national artistic tradition plays a role of an “a priori” of this type of creativity.

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