- The Method of Clarification and the Figurative Languagefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Agriculture and Taboo: to the Problem of the Conflict of Identity of Hunting-Nomadic and Agricultural Outlooksfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Polyvariant Character of the Russian Moral Culturefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Neo-Cynicism of Peter Sloterdijk: a Revenge of the Enlightenment?full text (.pdf) / abstract
- Spiritual-Commercial Movement: Main Features, Peculiarities, Attributionfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Creativity and Lawmaking: Ontological Aspectfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Modern Theory of Visual Art: Regional Projectfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Cultural and Anthropological Studies of Indigenous Peoples of Krasnoyarsk Krai Childhood (based on the field studies of Siberian Federal University in 2010-2013)full text (.pdf) / abstract
- Mechanisms of Interaction Between the State, Businesses and Small-Numbered Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation Under Global Transformationsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Revisiting Methodological Principles of Cultural-Semiotic Approach in Studying Art of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far Eastfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- The Concept of “North” in the Works by Rockwell Kentfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Construction of Political “Others” Through Multimodal Texts (Cartoons) in British Pressfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Imperial Society: Subjects and Character of Interethnic Interaction Paradigmfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Simulation of Manager Personal Qualities During the Dedicated Trainingfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Structural Shifts of Russian Economy in Globalization Processfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Analysis of State Forest Policy in Russiafull text (.pdf) / abstract