- On a Creeping 3D Convective Motion of Fluids with an Isothermal Interfacefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Tank Filling With a Viscous Fluid Using the VOF Methodfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- On Asymptotic Dynamical Regimes of Manakov N-soliton Trains in Adiabatic Approximationfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- On the Construction of Solutions to a Problem with a Free Boundary for the Non-linear Heat Equationfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- A Coupled Mathematical Model for the Synthesis of Compositesfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Upper Bounds for the Analytic Complexity of Puiseux Polynomial Solutions to Bivariate Hypergeometric Systemsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Almost Inner Derivations of Some Nilpotent Leibniz Algebrasfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Control of Stochastic Processes that Proceeds in the Limited Areafull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Mixed Biharmonic Dirichlet-Neumann Problem in Exterior Domainsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Filtration of Liquid in a Non-isothermal Viscous Porous Mediumfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Patterns of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow in the Bent Channelfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Accuracy of Symmetric Multi-Step Methods for the Numerical Modelling of Satellite Motionfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- New Classes of Solutions of Dynamical Problems of Plasticityfull text (.pdf) / abstract