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- The Uniqueness of the Translation-invariant Gibbs Measure for Four State HC-models on a Cayley Treefull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- On the Cauchy Problem for Multidimensional Difference Equations in Rational Conefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- The Properties of the Solutions for Cauchy Problem of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations in Non-Divergent Form with Densityfull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- Automated Recognition of Paralinguistic Signals in Spoken Dialogue Systems: Ways of Improvementfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Interaction Quality in Human-Human Conversations: Problems and Possible Solutionsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- A Hybrid Method for Evaluating Absorbed Solar Energy at the Surface Level Using Remote Sensing Datafull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Towards a Universal Embedded Atom Method Interatomic Potential for Pure Metalsfull text (.pdf) / abstract