- A Class of Special Empirical Processes of Independence
стр. 125–133; Abdushukurov, Abdurahim A.; Kakadjanova, Leyla R.
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- An Integral Formula for the Number of Lattice Points in a Domain
стр. 134–139; Aizenberg, Lev; Tarkhanov, Nikolai
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- Unsteady 2D Motions a Viscous Fluid Described by Partially Invariant Solutions to the Navier–Stokes Equations
стр. 140–147; Andreev, Victor K.
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- Baroclinic Seiches for Three-Layer Density Stratification in the Basin of Rectangular Shape
стр. 148–156; Belolipetskii, Victor M.; Genova, Svetlana N.; Degermendzhy, Andrey G.; Tolomeyev, Alexander P.
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- Detection of Regularity Violations of Cyclic Processes in a Temperature Monitoring System Using Patterns Form
стр. 157–164; Hussein, Hussein Sh.; Yakunin, Alexey G.
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- The Uniqueness of the Translation-invariant Gibbs Measure for Four State HC-models on a Cayley Tree
стр. 165–172; Khakimov, Rustam M.
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- Analytic Continuation of Power Series by Means of Interpolating the Coefficients by Meromorphic Functions
стр. 173–183; Mkrtchyan, Aleksandr J.
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- On the Cauchy Problem for Multidimensional Difference Equations in Rational Cone
стр. 184–191; Nekrasova, Tatiana I.
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- The Properties of the Solutions for Cauchy Problem of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations in Non-Divergent Form with Density
стр. 192–200; Raimbekov, Jakhongir R.
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- Adaptive Identification Method of a Signal from Stray Magnetic Field Sensor for Turbogenerator Diagnostics
стр. 201–207; Polishchuk, Vladimir I.; Sergeev, Viktor L.
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- Automated Recognition of Paralinguistic Signals in Spoken Dialogue Systems: Ways of Improvement
стр. 208–216; Sidorov, Maxim; Schmitt, Alexander; Semenkin, Eugene S.
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- Interaction Quality in Human-Human Conversations: Problems and Possible Solutions
стр. 217–223; Spirina, Anastasiia V.; Semenkin, Eugene S.; Schmitt, Alexander; Minker, Wolfgang
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- A Hybrid Method for Evaluating Absorbed Solar Energy at the Surface Level Using Remote Sensing Data
стр. 224–229; Yakunin, Maxim A.
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- Towards a Universal Embedded Atom Method Interatomic Potential for Pure Metals
стр. 230–249; Zalizniak, Viktor E.; Zolotov, Oleg A.
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