Журнал СФУ. Биология / Biosynthesis of Multi-component Polyhydroxyalkanoates by the Bacterium Wautersia Eutropha

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Журнал СФУ. Биология. 2008 1 (1)
Volova, Tatiana G.; Kalacheva, Galina S.; Steinbüchel, Alexander
Контактная информация
Volova, Tatiana G.: Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia; Siberian Federal University, Svobodny av. 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; Kalacheva, Galina S.: Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia; ; Steinbüche, Alexander :Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Corrensstrasse 3, D-48149 Germany
Ключевые слова
Wautersia eutropha, autotrophic and mixotrophic growth, multi-component polyhydroxyalkanoates

The study addresses the effect of different conditions of carbon nutrition on synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates by the bacterium Wautersia eutropha. In experiments with two wild-type strains (H16 and B5786) it has been first found that under mixotrophic growth conditions – CO2 + co-substrate (alkanoic acids) – bacteria can synthesize multi-component PHAs, consisting of short- and medium-chain-length monomers with carbon chains containing 4 to 8 atoms. It has been shown that PHA composition is determined by the type of the co-substrate. Fatty acids with odd number of carbons induce bacteria to synthesize four- and five-component PHAs with hydroxybutyrate, hydroxyvalerate, and hydroxyhexanoate as major monomers and hydroxyhexanoate and hydroxyoctanoate as minor, occasionally occurring, ones. Fatty acids with even number of carbons induce synthesis of not only their respective monomers (hydroxyhexanoate and hydroxyoctanoate) but also hydroxyvalerate, making possible synthesis of four-component PHAs, containing hydroxybutyrate and hydroxyhexanoate as major components (up to 18 mol%). A family of short- and medium-chain-length four- and five-component PHAs has been synthesized and their physicochemical properties examined.

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