Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / From Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and Teaching

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2019 12 (9)
Nowakowski, Samuel; Bernard, Guillaume
Contact information
Nowakowski, Samuel: University of Lorraine Loria UMR7503, 54000 Nancy, France; ; Bernard, Guillaume: University of Lorraine Loria UMR7503, 54000 Nancy, France;
computer environments; LMS; human values; digital support; teaching and learning

In a world in which digital interfaces, dematerialization, automation, so-called tools of artificial intelligence aim to drive away the human or eliminate the relationship with humans! The way other beings see us is important. What would happen if we took the full measure of this idea? How would this affect our understanding of society, culture, and the world we inhabit? How would this affect our understanding of the human, since in this world beyond the human, we sometimes find things that we prefer to attribute only to ourselves? What impacts on education, learning, teaching? After having explored the field opened by these questions, we will bring an answer with a reinvention of the learning platform named KOALA (KnOwledge Aware Learning Assistant). KOALA is a new online learning platform that comes back to internet sources. Symmetrical and acentric, KOALA combines analyzes from the digital humanities and answers to the challenges of education in the 21st century

Paper at repository of SibFU

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