Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / From the «Black Square» to the «Black Mirror»: Contemporary Art in Search of Light

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2023 16 (4)
Drobysheva, Elena E.
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Drobysheva, Elena E.: Vaganova Ballet Academy St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
architectonics of culture; axiosphere of culture; irony; post-irony; modern art; contemporary art axiology; «Black Square» by Malevich; Charlie Brooker’s «Black Mirror»; Ruben Östlund’s «The Square»

A hundred years of history of contemporary art, notionally from the picturesque «Black Square» artwork by Malevich (1915) to the British TV series «Black Mirror» by Brooker (2011) and Ruben Östlund’s film «The Square» (2017) is in the focus of this study. The aim is to analyze the axiological foundations of modern art. Relevance of the chosen discourse is due, firstly, it’s enduring importance, and, secondly, major advances in the Architectonics of Culture – from the latest technologies as a factor of cultural development to mental perversions generated by those technologies. Formal, existential and institutional values are highlighted, basing on analysis of the proposed artworks as main axiological tags in current art practices. The formal ones serve to carry the value of novelty, conformity to modern technological platforms, the second – existential – a hardly compliable mix of tolerance and individuality (in terms of compliance with privacy), the third – values of authentication and multiplicativity. As the result of the study, the conclusion has been made that, despite the ironic pathos of postmodernism, art still remains a search space for new value configurations that represent the actual cultural architectonics

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