- Philosophical Conceptions of Cultural Space in Russia and Japan: Comparing Nishida Kitaro and Semën Frankполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
- The legal Protection of the Rights and Culture of Indigenous Sámi People in Norwayполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
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- Concept and Reality of Legal Policy in Modern Russiaполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
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- The Laughter of the New Person, Modernization Problem: the Film “Jolly Fellows” by G.V. Aleksandrovполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
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- Multidimensional Modernity: Essential Features of Modern Society in Sociological Discourseполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
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- Drug Situation in Modern Society at Russian and World Levelsполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
- Development Management on a Regional Levelполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация
- Hermeneutical Approaches in Social Philosophy and their Ability for the Analysis of Chinese Societyполный текст (.pdf) / аннотация