Журнал СФУ. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 11 (12)

  1. Rethinking Psychoanalytic Ideas in Russian Philosophy
    стр. 1914-1924; Barmashova, Tatyana I.
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  2. The Future of Universities: Is Digitalization the Priority? (Expert View)
    стр. 1925-1946; Efimov, Valerii S.
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  3. Defending Identity and Diversity: the Potential of Cultural Anthropology for Reshaping Autism
    стр. 1947-1961; Gokh, Anatolii F.; Mineev, Valerii V.; Viktoruk, Elena N.
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  4. The Ideological Content of Tuvan Folklore and the Elements of Freethinking
    стр. 1962-1967; Khomushku, Olga M.; Kyrgys, Zoia K.
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  5. Interethnic Relations in Russian Central Asia (19th – Early 20th Centuries)
    стр. 1968-1990; Kolesnik, Eduard G.; Tarasov, Michael G.; Gergilev, Denis N.; Novoseltsev, Nikolai R.
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  6. How Does a World View Change? (As Illustrated by the Formation of Yerevan as a Socio-Psychological Community)
    стр. 1991-2020; Lourié, Svetlana V.
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  7. Severity of Level Aggression in the Emotional Sphere of Young Players Aged 13-15
    стр. 2021-2029; Makarov, Yury M.; Lutkova, Natalia V.; Shchedrina, Yulia A.; Zaytsev, Anatoly A.
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  8. Strategic Significance and Perspectives of the Caucasus-Caspian and Central Asian Regions
    стр. 2030-2042; Petrov, Victor P.; Bazyleva, Sabrina P.
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  9. Principles and Opportunities of the Study of Pictorial Heritage in the Practice of Choreographic Education
    стр. 2043-2055; Portnova, Тatiana V.; Портнова, Т.В.
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  10. International and Russian Practices of Preserving and Reproducing the Languages of the Small-numbered Indigenous Peoples of the North
    стр. 2056-2077; Seredkina, Natalya N.; Koptzeva, Natalia P.
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  11. Genomic Registration Issues in Eurasia and Ways of their Solution
    стр. 2078-2088; Volchetskaya, Tatiana S.; Makarenko, Ilona A.; Aminev, Farit G.; Seitenov, Kaliolla K.
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  12. The Essence of the Principles of Law
    стр. 2089-2103; Ershov, Valentin V.
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