Журнал СФУ. Гуманитарные науки. 2009 2 (2)

  1. Processes of Restoration of Religious-National Identity and Globalization in the Modern World
    стр. 151-162; Danilova, Veronica Y.
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  2. Author’s «Alphabets» in Systems of Record of Ancient-Russian Musical-Written Art Products
    стр. 163-168; Parfentjev, Nikolaj P.
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  3. A Piece of Musical Art as a Creative Form of Artistic Self-Expression of Culture
    стр. 169-175; Shamaeva, Rimma M.
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  4. Great Siberian Highway and Process Urbanization on Southern Ural (1891-1914 Years)
    стр. 176-183; Timofeev, Aleksandr A.
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  5. Principles of Author’s Art Creativity in Ancient-Russian Church Musical-Written Chanting of the XVI-XVII Centuries
    стр. 184-199; Parfentjeva, Natalya V.
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  6. The Cultural – Educational Work in the Camps of the GULAG of the NKVD During the Great Domestic War (on the Example of the CHELYABLAG)
    стр. 200-208; Kolomeyskiy, Ilya A.
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  7. General V.M. Moltchanoff’s Oral Memoirs
    стр. 209-214; Volkov, Evgeny V.
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  8. Defining Types of Learning Individuals: a Phase Portrait Approach
    стр. 215-221; Gavrikov, Vladimir L.; Khlebopros, Rem G.
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  9. Criteria of Mutual Understanding in Cross-Cultural Communication
    стр. 222-226; German, Natalya Ph.
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  10. Axiological Aspects of Imperial Culture Development
    стр. 227-233; Aksutin, Yuri M.
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  11. «Concept» Notion as the Base of Contemporary Culture Studies
    стр. 234-246; Semyonova, Alexandra A.
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  12. Henrich Rickert’s Methodology and its Application for Solution of the Problem of Cultural Values in Contemporary Theory of Culture
    стр. 247-258; Koptzeva, Natalia P.; Makhonina, Anna A.
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  13. International Project-based Educational Functions Developing Scientific, Infrastructural and Professional Competences of the Researchers Involved
    стр. 259-266; Edwards, Natalie M.
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  14. Real Options in Management of Modern Corporation: Perspectives of Usage and the Problem of Valuation
    стр. 267-279; Kayachev, Gennadiy F.; Peksheva, Valeriya S.
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  15. Establishment and Development of Departments of All-Russian Society of Nature Conservation in Eastern Siberia (1946-1991)
    стр. 280-291; Gaydin, Sergey T.
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