Журнал СФУ. Гуманитарные науки. 2019 12 (10)

  1. Verbal Interpretation Variables and Sociocultural Aspect of Language Variation: A New Perspective
    стр. 1784–1795; Boldyrev, Nikolay N.; Dubrovskaya, Olga G.
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  2. Language Policy in University Education: the Case of Khakassia and Tyva
    стр. 1796–1818; Borgoiakova, Tamara G.; Guseinova, Aurika V.
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  3. Towards Constructing Identity of a National University: “Our Past” at the Websites of Russian Universities
    стр. 1819–1839; Chernyavskaya, Valeria E.; Safronenkova, Elena L.
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  4. Linguistic Interpretation of Russian Political Agenda Through Fake, Deepfake, Post-Truth
    стр. 1840–1853; Chudinov, Anatoly P.; Koshkarova, Natalya N.; Ruzhentseva, Natalia B.
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  5. Representations of Speech Culture Through the Prism of Youth Consciousness (According to a Regional Sociolinguistic Experiment)
    стр. 1854–1867; Issers, Oxana S.
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  6. Towards Evaluation in Scientific Reviews (Based on German Linguistics)
    стр. 1868–1886; Nefedov, Sergey T.
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  7. Comparative Linguistic Textological Analysis as a Means of Research into the Evolution of the Derivation System (on the Early Church Slavonic Translations of Greek Words with the Prefix συν-)
    стр. 1887–1903; Panin, Leonid G.; Borisova, Tatiana S.
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  8. Information and Psychological War Linguistics as a Research Project at the Siberian Federal University: Problems and Achievements
    стр. 1904–1921; Skovorodnikov, Aleksandr P.; Kopnina, Galina A.; Kolmogorova, Anastasiia V.
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  9. Models of Training Mediators for Education: Experience of Siberia and Kazakhstan
    стр. 1922–1942; Smolyaninova, Olga G.; Korshunova, Vera V.; Adamova, Manara E.
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  10. “Liao Zhai Zhiyi” in Russia
    стр. 1943–1953; Storozhuk, Alexander G.
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  11. Word Frequency Effect in Lexical Decision Task: Evidence from Khalkha Mongolian
    стр. 1954–1964; Vlasov, Mikhail S.; Odonchimeg, Tumee; Sainbaiar, Vasha; Gromoglasova, Tat‘iana I.
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  12. Conceptual Localization of Yuri Stepanov’s Semiotic Theory in Chinese Linguistics
    стр. 1965–1980; Zhang, Yu
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